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Why Brand Storytelling Is More Important Than Ever

Elena Mintzias • June 6, 2019

Today, the digital experience is not just about having a site that lets you shop with ease: it’s about building a connection between visitors and your brand.

Essentially, what it comes down to, is providing users a reason to not just buy your products, but to buy them from you. This is where the brand story comes into play. Through artful storytelling and relevant, engaging content, the bonds and connections required to drive purchasing behavior can be built.

The Power of Storytelling

The power of story-telling is important for a variety of reasons. First, it lets customers know what your brand is all about. It answers simple questions like, “who are you?” and, “what do you stand for?”. People want to see their own values reflected by the brands they buy from, and storytelling is how you build that mirror.

Second, storytelling instills a sense of trust and brand loyalty, which is especially important for building lifetime customer value and retaining new customers. Storytelling communicates your brand propositions, allows you to express your personality, and create meaningful connections based on values, not just products.

Where to Tell Your Story

Your brand site is, obviously, the premier platform for telling your story. Beyond this, though, your brand story needs to be told – and retold – on outlets such as social media with careful attention paid to tone and voice.

The brands that excel in telling their story don’t just rely on simple techniques like referring to their “About Us” page. How they execute is becoming more unique and tailored to their brand,. While the About Us page is important, there is more to story execution than just one page.

Today’s best stories are almost sensory-like. They ensure the main aspects of the story are reflected across all channels: online, social media, and even out in the world should there be brick-and-mortar or print advertisement.

One of our favorite examples of great brand storytelling is Everlane. This groundbreaking fashion retailer created a unique brand experience as an online-only retailer, and then extended into brick-and-mortar stores.

Having started with an online-only presence has certainly helped them create a strong story, since their site and social platforms have been where the brand tells its story.

So, why are they great storytellers? The brand point-of-view is explained in a clear, visual, and modern presentation. It is concisely expressed and geared for their specific audience: an audience who cares about artisanal value and environmental conservation. Their message and clothing appeals to this minimalistic aesthetic.

Everlane have crafted a voice and tone that is tailored to their customer, and one that is cohesive from site to social to store. Having visited their physical brand experience on Prince street in SoHo, the in-store experience mimicked the exact feel of the site. From the minimal aesthetic to the branding propositions, the brand experience felt seamless and could only be Everlane.

Another thing that Everlane does is leverage key page templates such as Category Landing Pages and Product Detail Pages to highlight aspects of their products that stand in line with their brand. It builds that all-important connection and enhances the overall user journey. At the end of the day, it creates a memorable shopping experience and creates new, loyal customers that feel a part of the Everlane brand.

Brand storytelling is key in today’s ever-changing digital world. As the eCommerce giants continue to drive steady sales, brands need to stand out and position themselves in ways that create appeal and engagement. Creating meaningful bonds through artful brand storytelling is the best way they can do just that.

Elena Mintzias

About the author

Elena Mintzias

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