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Application Uptime: Keeping the Lights On (And Then Some)

Darius McCaskey • September 25, 2018

LYONSCG’s Application Hosting group tracks application uptime data for all of our hosting clients. Our dedicated data center in downtown Chicago, Illinois acts as a home base for the AH group, and uptime is what determines how successful our group is.

So, what is it?

Application Uptime

Application uptime refers to the application’s ability to render catalog, product, and CMS pages to site visitors, transact business with customers and provide backend management functionality. This is related to, but distinct from, infrastructure uptime and does not include scheduled, proactive maintenance downtime.

Application uptime is a more useful measure of site availability for business stakeholders than infrastructure uptime. Infrastructure (or network) uptime tells you the lights are on; application uptime tells you the lights are on, the doors are open, and the till is ready to make sales.

Most hosting providers are willing to provide guarantees around network and infrastructure uptime, with some small penalty if they have an outage that takes an application offline. LYONSCG takes this a step further by pinning our Service Level Agreements to application uptime, not just infrastructure uptime. We understand that your site needs to do more than respond to network pings: it needs to deliver your catalog and content pages to customers, allow them to fill their shopping carts and checkout, and provide the back-office functionality your business relies on.

We’re able to provide SLAs around application uptime because of our holistic approach to hosting and supporting Commerce applications. LYONSCG doesn’t host applications we don’t support. Our Application Hosting and Commerce Realized support personnel work together to monitor, maintain, and improve the Commerce applications we host. If there is an issue with your site, both teams work hand-in-hand to resolve the problem and restore full site functionality as quickly as possible.

In other words, we do DevOps.


So, How Are We Doing?

For the month of August 2018, average application uptime for clients hosted by LYONSCG was 99.952%, or roughly 41.5 seconds of down time per day. This results in a year-to-date average of 99.937% (approximately five and a half hours of down time/year) for hosted SAP Hybris clients and 99.955% (three hours, 56 minutes down) for Magento clients. Additionally, several clients achieved 100.00% uptime for the month.

If your current Commerce application hosting provider doesn’t offer a guaranteed service level for application uptime, contact LYONSCG Application Hosting. We’ll keep the lights on, the doors open, and the register ringing!

Darius McCaskey

About the author

Darius McCaskey

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