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The Top LYONSCG Content from 2018

Musings December 28, 2018

Over the past year, we strived to compile our knowledge and expertise to enhance our educational best-practice guides and assets. From in-depth resources (free publications, webinars, and papers) to dozens […]

2018 Magento Holiday Commerce Outlook

Customer Experience July 31, 2018

A few days ago, Magento released their annual Holiday Commerce Outlook. The Magento Holiday Commerce Outlook is a comprehensive guide to digital preparation and optimization for the all-important holiday season. […]

2018 Facebook Changes: What It Means For eCommerce

Digital Marketing February 7, 2018

Facebook as we know it has changed. Back in January, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would be changing its news feed algorithm to prioritize content from “friends, family, and groups.” […]

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