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Meet Our Pride: Bethany Platter

Christian Sharrow-Blaum • May 17, 2018

Name: Bethany Platter

Position and Practice: BA Lead, Commerce Realized

Location: Ann Arbor, MI

LYONSCG Tenure: 2 Years


Q: First off, tell me a bit about yourself

A: I’m a realist. A mom. A wife. A wine drinker and a chocolate hoarder. I care too much, speak bluntly, apologize freely and am always on the hunt for a better way.


Q: How did you first get involved in the technical side of digital commerce?

A: I kicked off my career in Product Management for a financial services company and spent my days working with clients and engineers to build detailed specs on new product designs. I also bridged into some Project Management work to help keep our programs on track. When the company was purchased by a private equity firm and we needed a new brand identity, I volunteered to lead the charge in executing a new website design and launch. I’ll never forget the look on our vendors faces when I walked in with my PowerPoint deck of “wireframes” and proclaimed that I had already designed the layout of the website and I just needed them to build it! Fast forward to a few years later and I was working for that vendor, building the Project Management team for a fast-growing eCommerce agency.


Q: What’s a typical day like for you?

A: My days are pretty well split between working directly with clients – serving as the primary Business Analyst on 3 high-profile clients and filling in on any number of other client accounts as needed – and working to coach and assist the ever-growing Commerce Realized BA team. I also spend a fair amount of time evangelizing our Commerce Realized support process, onboarding new clients, and ensuring that transitions from the Commerce Implementation team are smooth. Throw in an escalation or two, and that’s my average Tuesday!


Q: Describe one of your favorite projects.  What made it so positive?

A:  My first role at LYONSCG was as a Senior Project Manager, and the first big project I did here still ranks as number one. Hickory Farms engaged the LYONSCG team to help them with site redesign as part of an overall brand transformation initiative. Hickory turned out to be an AMAZING client to work with.

This project deeply integrated me with our Experience Design and Digital Marketing teams at a time when I was new to the company and not fully aware of the depth of expertise in these groups. I learned so much through the course of the project and was able to build great relationships with people across the company. Win win!


Q: What skills are the most critical to being successful in your role?

A: As a BA, I believe you’ve got to be super curious and comfortable asking lots and lots of questions. Also, knowing what you don’t know can be just as important as what you do know.  Being detail oriented is key!


Q: What’s the most fulfilling part of your role?  

A: My fulfillment comes from two primary areas. First is in coaching up my teammates and seeing them succeed in their client engagements. Second is in showing my commitment to the clients that I primarily serve in the BA capacity, and being part of the growth and success of their businesses.


Q: Do you have a favorite LYONSCG memory?

AWithout a doubt, having my team agree to lie on the floor at Lucky Strike at the 2018 company meeting in order to get “the perfect photo.” Our commitment to each other (even on the small stuff that seems meaningless) gives me the feels.


Christian Sharrow-Blaum

About the author

Christian Sharrow-Blaum

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