Top Ten Best Practices for Mobile Commerce
After reading an article from “etail detail”, here are some of the best practices when working with mobile commerce:
- Always include a mobile-hosted, retail locator when stores are part of a cross-channel strategy; defaulting to the main ecommerce site renders most retail locators nearly unusable
- Enable geolocation in the event that the zip code is not readily available to the on-the-move mobile shopper
- Integrate channels by enabling on-the-go shoppers to easily locate product in nearby store locations
- Make the mobile experience truly time-efficient by implementing store pick-up for those shoppers who want to be in and out quickly
- Ensure that keyword search functionality is available from all site pages and is consistently located at the page top
- Return search results that are highly relevant, and anticipate common misspellings so that meaningful results are still produced
- At a minimum, whatever gift card formats (mailed/electronic) are offered on an ecommerce site, should also be present on the mcommerce site
- During peak gifting seasons, present a creatively organized, easily navigated gift center that inspires shoppers to buy
- Keep checkout to as few clicks as is necessary; one-click settings are ideal
- Always provide a way for customers to contact you; some prefer the personal connection of a phone call via an 800# while others are content to access via a clickable email link